Bromwich Hardy

Bromwich Hardy wanted to raise its profile in the Midlands region and position itself nationally, as well as build engagement on social media platforms.

Be Bold came up with the concept of the Bromwich Hardy Commercial Property Barometer – a state of the industry report – now a leading annual publication which attracts the movers and shakers of the sector to a launch event every year and features in key national and regional media.

Our team created the copy, promoted the event and capitalised on the resulting publicity to the huge benefit of the client.

Bromwich Hardy became recognised as the top performing firm in the industrial sector in the Midlands – it’s LinkedIn presence rose up 225% and it’s 200% up on Instagram too.

Bromwich Hardy barometer
"I cannot praise highly enough the work that Be Bold Media has done to help raise our profile. The team has worked across all platforms and media to ensure that our brand and expertise has reached countless new potential clients and customers – boosting our presence in the market in the process. Their professionalism and business-led, strategic approach to our communications has been an enormous asset to Bromwich Hardy."
Tom Bromwich
Tom Bromwich
Bromwich Hardy logo

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