Business intelligence & competitor research
Without solid information you’re working in the dark. Knowing what’s happening in your sector is crucial – what are the headlines, trends, threats, opportunities?
Are your competitors stealing a march on you because they communicate better or are innovating faster?
Regular checking and reporting is crucial to staying out front.
Great oversight of your field of business puts you in pole position to act quickly and in the most effective ways.
Reading sector media helps, but it reflects who has the best PR, not what others in your industry are doing on social media, YouTube, with pay-per-click advertising or the fact they might have turbocharged their recruitment strategy – to your detriment.
Keeping tabs on all of this while trying to carry on your core role is just not possible. That’s why giving the job to experts with research experience and the right tools could pay dividends.
It’s often highly enlightening to have us run the rule over your own business too, looking at its customer facing activities – what’s being done well and what opportunities are being missed? Are you actively damaging your chances of converting interest to custom?
In a nutshell: knowledge is king and if you know what your competitors don’t, you’re already way ahead. Ask us how to help you get there.