Actually, most things! Our drones use stabilised gimbals to keep the camera very steady even when flying. This essentially makes them like an endlessly variable tripod that you can move smoothly in infinite directions, low or high, for new and interesting angles. We can do buildings and landscapes from 400ft, but we can also do low level cinematic moving pictures which would in the past have required crews, tracks and expensive cameras.
The most important limitation for drones is safety. The heavier the aircraft, the bigger the risk to people and property. Beyond this we have to consider airspace restrictions, other air users and the proximity of infrastructure (such as roads, railways, hospitals, etc) to where we want to fly. Once we have a location, we do the hard work of surveying the area (remotely at first), checking airspace restrictions, notifications of other aerial activity, weather forecasts, etc. Where we spot risks or limitations, we put in measures to mitigate them where we can. This might include choosing to use a smaller aircraft with a less capable camera, but which makes a job possible where it would not be with a bigger UAV. If there are airspace restrictions these can often be overcome by liaising with authorities or air traffic control, but may require longer lead time to get permissions.
The safety of people around drones is paramount. A key factor is whether the people where we fly are considered to be 'involved' in our activities. To be involved they must be able to give their consent to be around (and possibly underneath) the drone and to be made aware of any safety instructions to follow in the event of a problem with the aircraft. Where people (and their properties) are not involved in what we are doing we must remain 50m away from them at all times with our larger aircraft and certainly not fly over them. However, with certain small (but still capable UAVs) we can operate close to and even above uninvolved people - though we would always seek to maintain safe distances as a matter of good flying practice.
Anything that could come rapidly down from the sky or could collide with a manned aircraft comes with risk (as, of course, does taking to the roads with other road users!). The key to safe drone operation is planning, risk assessment, training and the many safety measures we take. Like in manned aviation, we rely on safety checklists before, during and after flights. We liaise with ATC where necessary and monitor NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen) immediately prior to flying in case anyone else has announced their intention to be in the same airspace. For all tasks we carry out both prior and on-site risk assessments and, where we identify risks, we take steps to mitigate them and make them as low as reasonably possible.
Sort of. Under the most current air laws you can fly toy drones in most places but you must still do so safely. Registration requirements kick-in for even small drones if they have a camera. Once they start to rise in weight there are increasing restrictions about staying away from people and property. These restrictions can be reduced by taking a course and passing an exam. They can be reduced further by taking a more professionally focused qualification (which we have). In order to operate a drone for a commercial purpose (not just for direct reward) you must hold public liability insurance to the amount of at least 750,000 SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which is an aviation measure roughly equivalent to £750k, depending on currency variations. We hold public liability insurance in the amount of £5m. Before engaging a drone operator you should check they are appropriately qualified and insured.
The main limitation on the ability to get airborne is the weather. We cannot operate in the rain due to the risk to the electronic components of the aircraft (fog can present similar precipitation issues, as well as visibility limitations). High winds are another key factor. Each aircraft has a maximum windspeed resistance declared by the manufacturer which we must observe to meet insurance requirements. Winds can rapidly increase as altitude does, so we use specialist aviation weather services to monitor this as well as taking our own readings on-site. Ice is the final major risk. If it forms on rotor blades it will degrade the performance of the aircraft, including the ability to control it and rapidly spinning rotors cool the air further, increasing the risk of icing.
The first and most important bit of information is a six figure grid reference or a What3Words label (you can get both from here). From this we can begin planning by looking at charts and maps, checking the air space classification and any flight restriction zones and ground hazards. After this, any other details and local knowledge you can give is really helpful, such as:
If you don't have that info, don't worry, we'll sort it.
Yes! We have to take some extra precautions (because under a roof we can't get a GPS signal, which helps to stabilise the aircraft), but we can safely operate indoors. As you might imagine, large spaces are preferable, but we can do small spaces (such as residential interiors) by going carefully. More likely than not we would use a smaller aircraft, fitted with rotor guards to avoid damage to the property and the drone. Indoor drone footage does make for a unique way of seeing things - imagine a production line filmed from overhead or a fly-through of your premises!