Fake news epidemic adds value to PR
There’s something of an irony in the fact that fake news currently being high up the news agenda makes the PR industry look good!
There’s something of an irony in the fact that fake news currently being high up the news agenda makes the PR industry look good!
Traditional news media is struggling against a torrent of incomers which appeal to a younger audience. The internet removes the need for hugely expensive printing
Spin, as we all now understand the term in a PR sense, died quite some time ago. Some ‘practitioners’ still like to play with silly
I’d be willing to bet there’s been at least once in your life when you wished you had blue lights and sirens on your car.
The events at Alton Towers just over a week ago were horrifying, partly because anyone who’s been on a rollercoaster has had the little nag
As we watched many stalwarts of British politics and their parties decimated today in a Conservative and SNP pincer movement, a wave of farewell speeches
Sometimes you could be forgiven for thinking that we are living in a technological utopia. We’re connecting up the world with networks and devices; Google
When automation goes wrong: Russian minister branded ‘gay lover’ in Channel 4 subtitle gaffe It’s all very well letting computers take the strain, but is
Top ranked Midlands law firm FBC Manby Bowdler has appointed journalist-led PR agency Be Bold Media to deliver a programme of business communications across traditional