If Be Bold Media purchases your products or services, we pledge to make every effort to ensure you are paid well within the terms of your invoice.
In fact, it is our intention to pay most invoices as soon as is practical on presentation, particularly where we have already received the product or service from you.
We believe this is an important practice for all businesses and would encourage all those in our supply chain to seek to follow the same prompt payment practices.
If during your dealings with us you believe a payment due to you has been in any way delayed we would like to hear from you as soon as possible in order that we may correct the situation. Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page or email directly to accounts at beboldpr dot com.
We pledge to our suppliers that should we become aware of any reason why our payment to you might be delayed, we will make every attempt to raise this with you as soon as we become aware of a problem and will agree a solution and timescale with you.